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Reflections v Projections..

Kerry at Rahanni-Reflex

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

I recently read a post regarding how people treat you is a reflection of them and not you and whilst I agree to an extent. I feel I need to expand further on this belief that its other people at fault and not ourselves. Life isn't as straight forward as "oh that's about them and not me and therefore they need a whole lot of love chucked at them!" I have found myself spouting similar things in the past but it needs more clarification. There is so much more to this kind of scenario than we actually think about and a lot of the time our egos are straight in there soothing us and telling us that we couldn't possibly be this person that we are being accused of or we surround ourselves with loving friends who offer us a biased opinion (in the most loving sense). When we are accused or "picked" at by another person (on any level), it could well be something going on in their own lives but the differences here, is that it's a projection not a reflection. Projection is a defense mechanism to avoid what's going on inside the person. The accuser is projecting outwards regarding an inwards turmoil onto another person whilst a reflection is a deeper process of the receiver considering the accusation to be a truth or not etc. Throw into the mix "mirroring." This is where an aspect of our character/personality which can be considered a shadow (or negative trait) or a "light" trait which could be a more positive aspect of us, is mirrored back to us. We really need to discuss and consider all of the above before we make a statement as to whether a comment or action towards us, is actually about them or about us as the individual. Looking further into the spiritual side of this, what are WE learning? Are we being encouraged to speak up for ourselves to the person directly, rather than first speaking to all of sundry, which on a energy level isn't healthy! Especially if advice isn't actually what you are looking for but you feel the need for "back up" - I see this A LOT! (Projection, we are projecting our hurt onto others in a similar way to how we received it so in effect, both sides are requiring love, are they not?) Can you start to see the chain of events forming? Dare we think a bit more deeply and ask the question, was that comment/action, "valid?" (Reflection, we are considering the words/action of the other person) How are we to grow as a Soul having a human journey and vice versa, if it's always about someone else rather than ourselves? In a way we are giving away our power and becoming a victim if we continually think "oh it's about them". We are not living in this world alone, we are interlinked more deeply than we could possibly understand. At Soul level we are all helping each other along our individual pathways. If we all knew and understood this then we wouldn't be seeking our comforting council each time for "back up" every time our EGO is wounded. Please recognise the differences, contemplate the experience to see if there is anything you could learn and if it's not genuinely not valid then move on.. The other thing we could all consider (if it is safe to do so) is talking directly to the person(s) involved. Everyone could then move on far more quickly.

At this time in life, we are supposed to be uniting not splitting further apart.

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