Today, I want to talk about this rather special light being... Kwan Yin
Kwan Yin is considered to be a deity overseeing mercy and compassion for mankind. She will forego enlightenment until every human is lifted up and liberated from the lower realms of the astral planes. In this case, she will see to it that everyone will feel mercy and compassion for themselves which will then radiate out (like a ripple effect) into their external lives and beyond. It is my belief that this is the way the world changes (for the good of all), through our own consciousness, one person at a time.
This amazing light being is linked to the pink ray of light and therefore Rahanni Healing. She has similar aspects to Mother Mary and some consider her to be a reincarnation of her. The pink ray is the third ray on a colour spectrum of multi-dimensional vibrations of light connected to higher realms. It is the light of unconditional love. The pink ray helps lift and raises our consciousness to the higher levels of unconditional love for ourselves and everyone else. To do this, we need to forgive, release, have mercy, show compassion to self and others.
If we feel stuck about doing this on our own then this is where Kwan Yin can step in and help. If you are genuine and ready when asking for the help then it will be given.
Kuan Yin works with Rahanni practitioners and their clients to heal emotional pain and any blocks found within this particular layer of the aura.
Emotional layer? Basically every living being (human and other animals, plants) have an energy aura around them.
As far as we (humans) know it is 7 layers deep, starting from the physical body outwards, each layer vibrates slightly faster than the first. The emotional layer (Like the other layers) will react and respond according to our every experience. If the emotional layer is overwhelmed with one particular repetitive emotion and the owner refuses to let it go (by finding peace with it) then it becomes an energy block.
This includes any unforgiveness we hold within ourselves, rahanni helps to release fear based thinking to increase and bring a feeling of well being to the receiver.
When receiving Rahanni, Kwan Yin will step in to shift and adjust the energy alignment so that the owner of the emotions has the opportunity to simply let go. If they are "ready" to, then they will. It can be a very simple and gentle process. It certainly doesn't have to be painful. The painful bit is holding on to it for so long.
Usually if the person has already approached a Rahanni practitioner then the chances are, they are "ready" I offer Rahanni healing to those who seek to help themselves feel better. It is not me who heals, I channel Rahanni directly from the beings of light and beyond directly to the person who needs it. They and my guides know EXACTLY where it is required (not me). I trust the process and KNOW it will help in the way intended.
