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Karma and it's true meaning..

Kerry at Rahanni-Reflex

Updated: Feb 26, 2022

There seems to be a wave of strong belief that karma is a punishment (wrapped up in a real wish for vengeance or revenge) for a past action taken against ourselves or others we care about. Mahatma Gandhi was quite correct in stating "an eye for an eye will make us all blind" No-body knows for absolute certain how life is actually played (spiritually), we all seem to trundle along and do the best we can (or do we?) By doing our best or being truly the best person we can be, actually, is us working alongside ourselves at Soul level to change our vibration (consciousness). There is a belief in reincarnation which leads to a school of thought that when we take an action below our level of vibration that we will at a later date (or life) have it corrected or be placed within a position where we will feel the experience of what we inflicted on others. Whilst this is more in line of what happens. It's literally down to changing our vibration. There is no punishment involved, you haven't been a bad person in a previous life to accrue karmic vengeance. The Universe is simply giving you opportunities to expand your consciousness or vibration for growth reasons rather than a "balancing the books" to get even. The perpetrator who we wish "karma" on, is not going to suddenly be punished in a way that you wish or expect to happen. It's all about opportunity to change. We do this through "conscious" choice making. There is no truer saying than "what we think of most, we attract" What I mean by this is that the Universe is constantly giving us the opportunity to live and operate at the highest level possible. It does this through choice, options, observation of similar situations around us and if we are "alert" enough we will realise that there is actually a message within it, for us. If the message is so subtle that we miss it then it will be repeated and / or presented in another way. I sometimes advise clients to "check in" with themselves. I don't just mean physically, it includes emotions, mental state and goes much further into why we take the actions or make the decisions/choices that we do and what the consequences of those actions are. Are our actions/words from the heart, genuinely from a loving space or is something else occurring? Are we a people pleaser? Do we tell white lies? Do we feel good by doing so? How do you feel when you realise you have been lied to? What are our thought processes like - What is constantly on repeat? Look at the people in your life, do they mirror us - Do you like what you see? If not then consider who you would like to be surrounded by. Do you treat yourself well - Do others? If not, start living your life where you do.. The Universe is always providing us with opportunities to live better consciously. So I am sorry (or happy) to say, Karma won't creep up and bite you or anyone else hard on the arse anytime soon.

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