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Do you understand and know your personal energy?

Kerry at Rahanni-Reflex

Updated: May 11, 2023

Most people are aware that I am a complementary therapist and I am passionate about what I do but when I am offering treatments, I am actually working a little deeper below the surface than what you see. For a long time, I have been sensitive, sensitive to words, tones, smells and I am acutely aware of body language and whether it matches and aligns with the person speaking the words. Not just verbally but the unspoken words, people's thoughts etc. Don't worry, I do not deliberately access your minds in some kind of scientific experiment or invade your privacy. I simply get snatches of sentences, or a word which is enough for me to understand what the person is feeling. I didn't realise at first what it was I was "dealing" with, I felt confused and overwhelmed by "it." It was too painful, stressful and I just wanted it to go away. What I was feeling and experiencing was the language and effects of people's energy fields. Everyone experiences this on some subtle level. We have all heard about walking into a room of people and feeling like the air could be cut with a knife - Right? If you haven't, this just means you are sensing something which has happened shortly before you entered the room. This could be an argument, a heavy or personal discussion. This could also be described as "the air was or turned blue" particularly after a fight or verbal argument involving a lot of swearing. What you are feeling in this instance, is the spiky energy fields of all those involved in the argument/fight so therefore EVERYONE in the room you just walked into, has a heightened energy field and you walked straight into it. At this point, you have felt other peoples energy. Now, if you walk into that room, 2 things can happen here.. Your energy field will be drained immediately OR it will be heightened with a fight or flight type response and you may feel agitated, irritated or even angry within a few minutes of entering the room. There are also two other options.. If you understand how energy works and more importantly YOUR own energy field. You will either have not walked into that room OR You will have already strengthened and protected your energy so you will remain unaffected and therefore walked in regardless. The above symptoms I mention are common in lots of draining situations, including heavy, depressing conversations, people who are going through a lot of painful, stressful and negative experiences. There are also energy attachments, entities and other energetic garbage which can affect you. Trust me, things you wouldn't even consider! Over the years, I have learned, adapted techniques, which have helped me in many ways The trick is to obtain a routine and stick with it in order to feel better. One very well known technique is visualising and stepping into a golden white bubble of light for protection which is great but it doesn't go far enough. There are other techniques which can help cleanse, clear, energise as well as protect your energy field. Cord removal is a very common problem for people and some try and make an attempt to clear them and it's hit and miss whether they do.. I can do all the above and more within the treatments I offer but I love to teach others to do things for themselves. All techniques that I have learned along the way are available in an eBook which is available for purchase via my website.

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