I was trolled recently and my first reaction was to get upset but not for long, as my professional cap went on and I tried to engage with the person to find out why he was so angry with me that he felt the need to give me a "I do not recommend" review on my FB business page. In the process of leaving comments on other posts, he disrespected a well known voluntary regulation which upholds standards of registered practitioners and dismissed valid research in regards to reflexology.
In the end after some research, it turns out he has written some rather horrible reviews of other companies which made me realise that he was obviously coming from a place of pain. Nobody that angry comes from a calm and harmonised state of being. With that in mind, I made the decision to block and ban him from my page. This person didn't know me, seemed to be on some kind of misguided crusade and didn't stop for breath to engage his thinking abilities. There was no reasoning with him.
In these circumstances, it was easy for me to do this because I didn't know him but there are other situations which could prove trickier. Work, family, friends etc.
I had to walk away from a family member for my own mental health. It took several years but at the beginning of lockdown, something happened and I did just that, I had reached my tipping point.
Complementary therapies are more than just treating the physical aspects of our bodies. Did you know that they provide a support system for the emotional and mental aspects too, which includes the above?
For instance... When I became a Rahanni healing practitioner, the very first thing I noticed within the first few months of attuning to it was how many people literally just left my life.
Until this point I had struggled with my conscience about walking away from people who really didn't light me up. I felt obligated out of duty to see/speak and visit people. For example, at one point I was so insecure that I felt (self) pressured to attend social gatherings, incase I "missed out." I felt drained all the time and these people most likely felt the same. There was a kind of invisible energy tug of war going on. Something had to give! Rahanni treatments provided me with the space to think about my life. It supported me through lots of emotions including grief and sadness and loneliness. You don't have to attune to Rahanni or any other healing energy in order to do this but it is useful to know your own energy and your limits with people and situations.
The surprising bonus of complementary therapies is that they provide a supporting space for you to think and be relaxed enough to see your path forward clearly. The emotional support provided is pretty much absent from GP surgeries and hospitals, simply because they have no time.
There is no airy/fairy business when it comes to seeking holistic therapy, it is available to all who need it. We all have a choice and as our lives are short, what is the point of carrying others, who do not value you or vice versa?
With the therapies, I offer, I can usually help remove stagnant energy from your personal energy field. Stagnant energy is usually others' energy imprinted on you.
For example, events, those who have been a past influence on you or who you have already walked away from, may still be triggering you and it could be affecting your existing relationships. I can help clear your energy field which includes cord attachments and anything else so you can begin your own healing process.
The only thing I cannot help you with are things related to your Soul's lessons (in this life time) as it would mean I am interfering with your Freewill.
More importantly, I can give you tips which you can do for yourself and add to your own self care routine inbetween any appointments.
Please have a chat with me to see how I can help.
Love, K x x x